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28 July 2010

Miami to Ibiza

We've all heard of the swedish house mafia by now, hopefully if youre reading this blog ha.
Anyway few months back they dropped their track "ONE" which continues to just climb charts around the world with unbelievable success. While the TRIO performed the other day at Palais in Cannes, this was what they experienced....

As for the name, i think "TWO" is ridiculously, I heard it was going to be "Miami to Ibiza". Still no fun in that name, although I would love to have a vacation itenerary that said just that.

The track below is a new release, Today, from Steve Angello. The song was made as a festival/performance track, but after the tremendous response, he decided to release it. BOOMING Steve Angello - Knas

The Last of the LOVEPARADE

Were talking about a festival that began in 1989, and was host to 1.4 Million this year. Unfortunately, after this years incident resulting in 21 deaths, LoveParade is now cancelled forever. It began as an assembly for people who wanted to showcase the need for the typical, LOVE, PEAVE, MUSIC. The event ended up being about the music, performances and the crowd, sounds like a proper party. To bad it came to an END.

Check out past performances, festival atmosphere is absolutly next level


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