10 February 2011

STEVE ANGELLO (Size Matters) in TORONTO 04/02/11

Word on the street for a while had been that this bus tour was going to happen, but no dates were set in stone and alot of information was vague. Early this morning however, at 6:30 I was awoken by an e-mail stating that Steve Angello had just released his North American Tour schedule minutes ago. This is MEGA!

Last time he was here was January 2010. He had AVICII opening for him, who barely anybody knew but still played phenomenally that night. Once Steve Angello hit the decks I was in wonderland, he was on point every single song, flawlessly driving the crowd through an array of emotion but always a big smile on his face looking out at the 5000 screaming fans. Im looking forward to this event like a birthday

Steve Angello at BETA Waterloo. Vote for BETA to be Top100 on DJ Mag

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